The concept of flying is finally a reality. Check out this BMW engine-powered car that can fly at 160 kmph.
In February, the United States Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) cleared the world's first flying car for 'take-off,' which flies at 160 kilometres per hour and reaches altitudes of 10,000 feet.
According to sources, the FAA awarded the Terrafugia Transition a Special Light-Sport Aircraft certificate of airworthiness. The vehicle is a light sport and a roadworthy airplane that Terrafugia has been developing since 2006.
Another professor's prototype flying vehicle completed its first intercity flight between two airports in Slovakia this week. On June 28, the vehicle flew between Nitra and Bratislava for 35 minutes, according to reports. It cruised at 170 kph, 20 kph slower than its top speed.
The AirCar invented by Professor Stefan Kelin of Kelin Vision, and The car powered by a BMW engine and has a maximum altitude of 8,200 feet. It takes only two minutes and fifteen seconds to convert into an aircraft.
Professor Kelin pressed a button at the end of the successful test flight to fold the car's wings. He then drove it back to his house from the tarmac.
According to Engadget, Professor Klein has made 142 successful landings in his flying car after more than 40 hours of testing.
Klein is confident that his prototype is now ready to move beyond the concept stage.
This vehicle equipped with a ballistic parachute and driven by a 160-horsepower BMW engine.
Klein intends to develop a 300 horsepower pre-production variant that will most likely certify as a CS-23 aircraft by European aviation regulators.
The Terrafugia Transition is not like AirCar. It has a wingspan of 27 feet and folds down to a size that fits inside a small garage. According to reports, the car would release in 2022 with a complete air and road model.
With FAA clearance, it may now make the car available to pilots and flying schools. However, all of the car's components will take another year to be entirely legal.