Woman falls out of the car while shooting Snapchat video

People do all sort of crazy things to post unique and engaging content on social media. However, sometimes the situation goes out of hands and can hurt you. While trying to record a video out of a moving car, a woman fell out of her car's window.

The Twitter handle of Surrey Road Cops shared the image of the vehicle with a caption that read:

“The front seat passenger was hanging out the car whilst filming a Snapchat video along the #M25. She then fell out of the car and into a live lane.”

Luckily, the woman did not suffer major injuries and escaped with a few minor bruises.

Later, the video was also shared by the police department along with a caption that read, “Not the sort of thing you should be doing on the M25.”

Many users over the internet have criticized her irresponsible behavior.

We at CarInfo believe that cars are meant to commute and such kind of stunts are not just illegal but can also harm your life. It is better to not get carried away and put yourself in the harm's way for a momentary thrill.

We wish you safe driving!