Why Should Your Car Insurance Include an Engine Protection Plan

Feb 14, 2020 2 min read
Why Should Your Car Insurance Include an Engine Protection Plan

An engine is like the heart of a car. No function of a car will work if the engine stops working. As you clock kilometres on the odometer, your engine constantly faces wear and tear.

Yes, you get your car serviced regularly to take care of that. But what if you get stuck on a flooded road and the water enters your engine? What if there is a major malfunction in your gearbox? All these unexpected expenses can badly burn your pocket.

A normal hatchback’s damaged engine could set you back by up to ₹ 1,50,000. This is why it is smart to buy an add-on engine protection cover at a nominal cost to keep yourself covered from abrupt expenses caused due to engine breakdown. A comprehensive car insurance policy comes bundled with a lot of add-on covers including the engine protection plan. You can easily buy this add on cover while renewing your car’s insurance policy.

Why should you buy Engine Protection Plan?

There are several reasons that make sense to buy engine protection cover:

  • If you are living in an area that receives a lot of rainfall.
    For instance, if you have moved to Mumbai which infamous for incessant rains and floods then it is essential to a cover for your engine.
  • If you own a luxury car like BMW or Mercedes.
    It is best to have its engine covered as repairing costs of high-end cars can go beyond 5,00,000 INR.
  • If you have an SUV and love off-roading
    Your car is exposed to all kind of treacherous. Keep yourself covered from unwanted financial expenses caused due to breakdown in a ditch or while crossing a naala.
    The engine is the most expensive part of the car. When you consider buying engine protection add-on, here are the things that you must check if you get or not.
  • Cover against damages caused due to engine oil leakage.
  • Any damage caused by ingression of water.
  • Damage caused by gearbox malfunction.
  • Hydrostatic lock expenses. The engine gets locked under the water when to try again and again to restart the engine. In case the engine starts in such circumstances it can get damaged badly and it would be considered as damage done deliberately. Hence, it is advisable to not crank the engine when it is under the water.
  • Also, never drive the car with a damaged bonnet as it might damage the engine and make you ineligible for the claim.
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