Where you should keep PDF of your insurance policy?

Nowadays, car insurance has become more customer friendly and buying car insurance has become more easy. You can get your insurance policy renewed from CarInfo app in low prices. However, you should keep your insurance policy handy in case of emergency. Several options are mentioned below:

  1. Upload it on CarInfo documents: You can keep your insurance image in documents section at CarInfo app for easy access.
  2. Keep it in your mail: In case your insurance company has sent you a PDF of your policy, make a copy of it and keep it in your email inbox or create a special folder to collect all your emails related to insurance at one place.
  3. Print a hard copy: If you believe in keeping a physical copy of your policy, keep a hard copy of it and store it in a safe and secure location, such as lockbox.
  4. Keep it handy in your mobile device: Keep a copy of your insurance policy PDF in your smartphone or tablet. You can access them anytime.
  5. Store it in your computer: You can save a copy of your insurance in your hard drive or in cloud storages services like Dropbox, Drive, or iCloud.

Always keep in mind to keep a copy of your policy in different locations so that you can access them even if it gets lost.