What are some insurance add-ons that you should consider?

Sadly, a regular insurance for your car usually does not include cover for depreciation, parts replacement, or roadside assistance. But luckily, you can opt for add-ons to upgrade your policy.

Personal Accident Cover

This add-on covers you against accidental death or disability due to a motor accident. It provides compensation for medical expenses, loss of income, and other related expenses.

Zero Depreciation Cover

It covers the full cost of repair or replacement of parts in case of damage to your vehicle due to an accident, without taking into the account of depreciation of the vehicle. This means that you can claim the full amount without any deductions for depreciation.


Roadside Assistance Cover

This add-on covers the cost of emergency services like towing, battery jumpstart, fuel delivery, and other related services in case your vehicle breaks down on the road.

Engine Protection Cover

This add-on covers the cost of repairs or replacement of the engine and other related parts due to damage caused by water ingression, oil leakage, or other such events.

Consumable Cover

Consumable covers the cost of replacement of consumables such as engine oil, coolant, brake oil, and other related items, in case of damage to your vehicle due to an accident.

No-Claim Bonus (NCB) Protection Cover

This add-on protects your accumulated NCB in case you make a claim during the policy period. This means that you can retain your NCB discount at the time of policy renewal even if you have made a claim.

It is important to note that these add-ons comes at an additional cost, and you should choose them based on your specific needs and requirements. You should also ensure that you understand the terms and conditions of the add-on covers before opting for them.