Here Are Some Useful Tips For Riding A Two-Wheeler In Rains

Feb 19, 2020 1 min read
Here Are Some Useful Tips For Riding A Two-Wheeler In Rains

Chances of accidents increase manifolds for two-wheeler riders during rains. Hence, no matter how wide or empty the roads are, it is essential to stay in limits and follow safety rules while riding a bike during rains.

Here are a few essential tips you must remember while riding in rains.

1. Check your Tyres

You need to have proper traction while riding on wet and slippery roads to stay stable and safe. Check your tyres for wear and tear.

It is also advisable to keep lower tyre pressure during the rainy season to ensure the larger surface area of tyres is coming in contact with the road. This helps in achieving better stability.

2. Stay Cautious While Applying Brakes

Brakes tend to lose their efficiency during wet conditions. Check out for wear out brake pads as they can get stuck to the disc during wet conditions. Make sure your disc is cleaned thoroughly to help brake pads have proper grip during abrupt braking situations.

3. Do Not Ride On The White Stripe Of The Road

Roads all over the country are painted with white stripes for lane division. Intentionally or unintentionally, we often tend to keep riding on these white stripes for no reason. Stop this practice now as it could become the reason for your accident.

In case, you are accidentally riding on this white line then apply brakes gradually to maintain your balance.

4. Lubricate All Moving Parts

During rainy, added moisture causes a lot of wear and tear to your bike. To prevent any part from catching rust while breaking down in the middle of the road, it is important to keep them properly lubricated.

Apply grease properly on clutch wire, brake wires, wheel bearings and shock absorbers among others.

5. Keep The Chain Clean

Chains attract a lot of water and dirt during the rainy season and it also transports that dirt directly to the engine cabin. Hence, it is crucial to keep the chain of the bike clean and well lubricated. We would recommend to clean it after every 400 km during the rainy season.

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