Dear Delhites, Odd-Even Days are Back!

Nov 3, 2019 2 min read
Dear Delhites, Odd-Even Days are Back!

Before you take your car out on Delhi roads between 4-15 November, 2019, make sure you are following the odd-even rule. Ignoring this can cost you ₹4,000.

Delhi is has become a gas chamber with its smothering pollution and congested roads. With thousands of cars on roads and stubble burning in Haryana and Punjab, the air outside is highly dangerous to be breathed in.

In a bid to reduce air pollution, the Delhi government has implemented the odd-even rule once again for all vehicles running on Delhi roads.

What is the Rule?

According to this rule, vehicles whose registration number ends with an odd number can run only on odd number dates and vehicles with number plates ending with an even number can be driven only on even number dates.

That is, if your car number plate ends with a 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8, you can only take your car out on 4, 6, 8, 12 and 14th November. And if it ends in a 1, 3, 5, 7, or 9, you can drive it on 5, 7, 9, 11 and 13th November.

All the vehicles entering from the neighbouring states are also legally bound to follow the odd-even rule.

Timing and Fines

The odd-even rule will be enforced from 4th to 15th November 2019 between 8 AM and 8 PM from Monday to Saturday. Sundays are exempted from the rule. Any violation of the rule would attract a hefty fine of ₹ 4,000.


  • Two-wheelers are exempted from odd-even rule.
  • CNG vehicles are NOT exempted from the scheme. Delhi CM Kejriwal cited the misuse of CNG vehicles as the main reason behind not giving the exemption. He stated that it would “would defeat the purpose” of the odd-even scheme.
  • Arvind Kejriwal also announced that VVIPs including the President, Vice President, Prime Minister, Governors, Chief Justice of India, Speaker of Lok Sabha, cars of the union Ministers, Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha Leaders of the Opposition, Vehicles of Chief Ministers of States and Union Territories, will be exempted from odd-even scheme.
  • However, in solidarity with the citizens of Delhi, CM and Ministers of Delhi cabinet will not get any exemption from the odd-even scheme.
  • Vehicles with only women driver and private cabs ferrying children from school in uniform will also be exempted from the road rationing scheme. Parents are also exempted to pick their kids from schools.

Cab Prices

Cab aggregator Uber has pledged to switch off the surge pricing during the period of odd-even scheme to offer cheaper transportation. It has also offered its ability to Delhi government to ply 5000 bike taxis to enhance last and first mile connectivity in different areas of Delhi. Presently bike taxis are not legally allowed to ply in Delhi.

Therefore, everyone is kindly requested to come together as a city and contribute in making Delhi a better and safer place to breathe and live in.

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