Mistakes you make while buying a new car

Buying a car is a tiresome process. Sometimes, the buyer gets confused by the entire process and end up making mistakes in making the final decision. But, if you know the process, you can avoid making mistakes. Here are some of the common mistakes while buying a new car and how you can avoid them.

Pre-delivery inspection (PDI)

This is one of the common mistake that is overlooked while buying a car. Inspection is to be done before buying a car for any kind of defect. It needs to be done before the dealership takes the car to the RTO. Many dealers avoid this step and and hand over the car without a PDI certificate. A well-informed buyer will ask for a PDI certificate before taking final delivery.

Resale Value

Resale value is an important factor that should be kept in mind while buying a new car. If you are planning to buy a car for 3-5 years, resale value really matters. So, if you are buying for a long time, resale value is not that much important. Otherwise, always keep it in mind while buying a new car.

Buying without TEST DRIVE

Taking a test drive before finalizing a vehicle is an important task. No matter what spec sheet a car has, always take a test drive. During your test drive, take the car through some rough patches so that it gives you better idea about the handling and suspension of car.

Extended warranty in advance

The next big mistake is to end up buying an extended warranty. Manufacturers offer a warranty period of 2-4 years and add up to the final bill. You can skip buying an extended warranty at the time of purchase. You'll be able to save some money by going with the same standard warranty.

Handling and transportation charges

Some of the dealers include handling and transportation charges in the final bill of car. If you find these charges in your bill, as the dealership to cancel it. If they still insist upon levying them, mail to the customer care department.

Insurance policy selection

Another mistake that is ignored by the buyers is costly insurance. People usually depends on the dealer for the policy. Don't rely on them. They charge extra for insurance and most buyers don't know about this. Check for insurance policy and compare. Choose what suits you best.

Not knowing the best period to buy a car

Look for the savings on a new car by getting the car at the right time. There are many periods during which manufactures give discounts like festive sale and year-end sales. Also, month ends an quarter ends can also be the good time to buy a new car because the sales guys have targets which they have to meet. And, they can do a bit bargaining.

Hope these pointers will help you to avoid making mistakes and make a wise choice.