Don’t freak out if you scratch your car accidentally. You might be able to remove these minor scratches yourself in less than an hour. Check now!
Scratches on your car can be caused by a variety of things like vandalism, car accidents, poor parking, and other parking lot mishaps. Fixing light scratches on your car could seem like an impossible process to do. Whereas, scratches do detract from the looks of your car, paying a body shop for a new coat of paint or even a small touch-up can be expensive. You can try polishing surface scratches.
There are some ways through which you can remove scratches on your car with toothpaste, using a scratch removal product for small scratches, or sanding and repainting the area if the scratch is deep. Here's the entire process:
Everything you need:
- Bucket
- Soap and water
- Microfiber towels
- Buffer
- Scratch removal product
- Wax (if required)
Check if the scratch is deep or surface
If your fingernail does not catch on the scratches, then they are on the surface and if it catches, then they are deeper and you need a professional scratch removal product.
Clean the surrounding area
Before you apply the product, polish, toothpaste, etc, ensure that the area is very clean. Once you have cleaned the area, let it dry. You can also use rubbing alcohol to remove any dust particles, wax, or remaining dirt.
Apply the product on a soft towel
Use two microfiber towels- damp and dry one. Apply on the dampened microfiber towel and apply the product according to the size of the scratch. Make sure that the product is evenly distributed on the towel.
Rub in a circular motion
Wet the entire area you've been working on. The best way to rub on the scratch is in a circular motion or small circles or strokes. You'll need to apply some pressure to remove the scratch.
Rinse off any extra material
After buffing out the scratches, rinse the area thoroughly to remove the excess toothpaste. Spray your vehicle with a hose and then dry the area with a microfiber towel. At that point, the scratch should be far less noticeable and your vehicle should be shiny once again.
Repeat this process
If you feel that the scratch is still there, then repeat the entire process. Also, you can apply a clear coat to further protect the area.