How Does Installing A Rear View Camera Help While Driving

Feb 14, 2020 2 min read
How Does Installing A Rear View Camera Help While Driving

Reverse parking makes many drivers anxious. New drivers fear of hitting the edges to other objects and the seasoned ones always fear of any other vehicle coming in the way. No matter how seasoned a driver you are, you always want to have a clear view of the rear. With cars becoming bulkier and more delicate from the rear, rear view camera has become a necessity.

Rear view camera has come as a boon for drivers to park their vehicles safely without earning any unwanted dents. Here are some worth noting the benefits of installing a rear view camera in your car.

1.  You Get A Clear View

No matter how large your rear view mirror is, you never get a clear view of the back while parking the car. There are always some blind spots here and there which don’t reflect in a rear view mirror. Rear view parking camera provides a clearer view of the rear surroundings and saves you from bumping into any blind spot.

2. Better than Parking Sensor

Parking sensors start beeping once the car starts nearing the object to give a rough idea of the distance before collision. However, you do not get the details of the object and surroundings leading to confusion. Also, sensors easily detect cars or larger objects but sometimes fail to detect the presence of small children or pet animals.

Sometimes, sensors start malfunctioning and don’t beep at all; leading to a collision. Hence, they are not reliable completely. On the contrary, rear view camera of the car gives all the details of objects present at the site to help you maneuver through tight corners easily.

3. Advance Compliance

Government is also planning to make rear view cameras mandatory in cars to enhance safety features. So, if you have not installed yet, then maybe this is the right time to invest in a good quality rear view camera.

4. Convenient During Night Time

At dark spots, it becomes almost impossible to gauge objects in surroundings during the night through rear views mirror and ORVMs. And sensors only tell about the distance between car and other objects, making it difficult to part the car. In such scenarios, rear view car cam comes in handy. It uses the illumination of tail light to transmit the image of surroundings to your surroundings to help you park the car safely. You can also invest in a good aftermarket rear view camera with night vision capabilities to have a clear view during the night time.

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