From October 1, you are not required to keep vehicle papers and DL physically

Sep 29, 2020 1 min read
From October 1, you are not required to keep vehicle papers and DL physically

We often pay challans and fines because we forget our vehicle documents at home. Not anymore! Now, you can store all the documents digitally.

Now while driving a vehicle, you don't have to keep documents including registration certificate (RC), driving license, insurance, and pollution certificate. The Union Road Transport Ministry has issued a notification in this regard by creating an act that will come into effect from October 1.

The central government has declared that vehicle documents like e-challan and driving license will be maintained from October 1, 2020 via its Information Technology portal.

The Transport ministry has advised state transport departments and traffic police to not seek drivers for physical documents.

How will it work?

A software is being developed through which the traffic policeman or divisional transport officer will have to put the registration number of vehicle to pull all the document information digitally.

This software is linked to the transport database. By inserting the registration number of the vehicle in it, all the papers of the particular vehicle can be checked.

What will the drivers do?

As per the act, if traffic police does not have a device, then he can download the software on the smartphone and check the paper of the vehicle. It will be the responsibility of the officer to conduct the investigation itself. Officer can't question the owner for not keeping the car documents.

If the vehicle is challaned and the vehicle owner does not pay the challan, then the transportation tax of documents will have to be paid. In the event of non-payment, the vehicle owners will neither be able to sell the vehicle nor renew driving license.

The Ministry of Road Transport and Highways has also made multiple amendments to the Central Motor Vehicles Rules 1989. These amendments will enable maintenance of e-challan and digital access of documents.

The change in act is meant for better implementation and monitoring of automotive regulations. The use of IT services and electronic monitoring will ensure better enforcement of traffic laws. It will also reduce the harassment of drivers.

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