Ford patents in-car popup ads feature

We have always been running away from pop-up ads. They are annoying and waste of time. How about if you start seeing these ads in your car's infotainment system? Well Ford is going to invade your car's peace forever.

Ford has filed a patent for its latest system that is capable of detecting roadside billboards and display them on the car's infotainment system. It will use the car's camera to detect billboards and other information including website link and phone number mentioned on it.

After detecting the information on the billboard, the system will display a popup notification on your car's infotainment's screen. You just need to click on it to access the captured information by the system.

Ford will also partner with advertising agencies to configure the system to display ads before the camera has detected the billboard. Auto manufacturer says that it would useful for the driver searching for a specific service including hospital, restaurant, fuel station, and more.

The catch with this service is that the Ford car owners will have to pay the premium to disable the service. It would be offered in the form of pop-up ads-free package at the time of purchase.

CarInfo thinks that with so many features, modern infotainment systems are already distracting. Adding a pop up ad feature can make it more hazardous on the road. However, this system might be helpful in self-driven cars.