Everything You Should Know Before Filing An Insurance Claim

Feb 14, 2020 2 min read
Everything You Should Know Before Filing An Insurance Claim

Driving your car is always thrilling but even a small accident can spoil your entire experience. You could get stuck in the long process of filing an insurance claim. No matter what has been promised to you during the purchase of the policy, you are always stressed to get everything right while filing a claim.

Here is a checklist you must keep in mind to ensure filing your car insurance claim is a hassle-free process.

Register FIR

In the event of a small accident involving a few dents, you are not required to file an FIR. However, in cases of major accidents where there are bodily injuries or death of a third party, you are liable to register an FIR in the nearest police station. Also, if your car is stolen, you need to produce a valid FIR to file an insurance claim.

Inform the Insurance Company Immediately

As soon as you meet with an accident or your car gets damaged due to flooding or other natural causes, you should inform your insurer immediately. A majority of insurance providers provide a time window of 24 to 48 hours to report an accident. However, there are also some insurance providers that give as long as seven days. Failing to inform your policy provider under the stipulated time frame may make you ineligible for an insurance claim.

It is beneficial to report the insurer even before taking the vehicle to the partner garage to avail benefits including free of cost towing of the vehicle and your accommodation and transportation benefits.

Send All the Documents to the Insurance Company

You need to submit all the required documents to expedite the claim process. Talk to the insurer to find out what are required documents that you need to submit. Essential documents required by the insurance provider include Insurance policy, Motor Claim form, Registration Certificate (RC) and Driving License of the person driving at the time of the accident.

Delay in the submission of requisite documents will not affect your prospects to file for a car insurance claim.

Accidental Proof

It always helps to have some proof of the accident. Hence, it is advisable to take pictures of the accident site. Take pictures of your vehicle and the third party vehicle involved in the accident.

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