The government of Delhi extended the validity of Driving Licenses by two months, i.e till March 31 which were suppose to expire between February 1, 2020 and January 31, 2022. Delhi Transport Minister, Kailash Gahlot, tweeted about this on Friday.
As per Transport Department, the validity of Learner's license was extended to January 31, 2022 and now the date of Driving license has extended due to the third wave of COVID-19.
Transport Minister also said that there are not enough tests slots, due to this they extended the validity of learner's license including the heavy commercial vehicle driving license.
Therefore, Delhi Government has suspended the tests related to licenses in the national capital. All fresh appointments, existing driving license and learning license tests have been suspended as of now at all Reginal Transport Offices (RTO) from January 6, 2022.