Deadline for mandatory dual airbags installation in existing car models extended until December 31

Jun 30, 2021 1 min read
Deadline for mandatory dual airbags installation in existing car models extended until December 31

The government has increased the deadline for manufacturers to install dual airbags in existing car models by December 31, 2021. Earlier, the deadline was August 31, 2021.

As per reports the government in existing car models has postponed the deadline for compulsory installation of double airbags for front seat passengers by four months. Carmakers must now comply with the standards by December 31.

The relaxation is granted due to the pandemic situation and it requires manufacturers to make certain changes to their production lines as early as possible.

In order to improve passenger safety in the nation, MORTH said earlier this year that double front airbags are compulsory for cars. MORTH said that all new cars sold in India must feature standard driver and co-driver airbags from commencing April 1, 2021.

And all existing models will require to conform to this standard by August 31 2021. This deadline has now extended until December 31.

It's worth noting that until now, just the driver-side airbag was mandatory in all cars in the country. The Indian government proposed mandating dual front airbags in December 2020 and published a draft notification modifying the Central Motor Vehicles Rules (CMVR). Following that, the ministry issued a notification requiring dual front airbags on all cars sold in India.

It's worth noting that the government previously mandated that all cars have an airbag in the driver's seat. It came into effect on 1 July 2019.

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