A video of man from Kanpur became viral on the Internet. In the clip, he was dancing while riding a Bullet. The Kanpur police noticed and he was issued a challan of Rs 9000. The person was identified as Khalid Ahmed.
Driven by social media likes, throwing caution to the winds while driving can lead to the end of your ‘story’ forever!
— UP POLICE (@Uppolice) December 11, 2021
Drive Safe, Stay Safer#SafetyFirst#HelmetProtects pic.twitter.com/mWN3f5Xhbq
After paying challan, the owner of the motorcycle also made a video apologizing about the incident and accepting that he was not aware of the rules. He also clarified that he paid ₹ 14,000 as challan money and not ₹ 9,000.
In the video, the rider is going through traffic riding a bullet harshly and abruptly without wearing a helmet. The cops also issued a challan under various sections for not wearing a helmet.
Such incidents are becoming viral on public roads. One should always ensure that such stunts should always be done carefully.