Bangalore traffic cops deploy ANPR camers

Apr 28, 2022 1 min read
Bangalore traffic cops deploy ANPR camers

The Bangalore Traffic Police has installed Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) to help in catching offenders where there are dense roads. The first ANPR camera was deployed last week and they have already identified 25 vehicles which have pending cases and recovered ₹ 19,900 as fines. Roads where these cameras are placed are Cubbon Road, Balekundri Junction, and High Grounds etc.

How does it work?

The camera takes the picture of the offenders and it has a software that sends the transfer details of the offenders to the nearby police personnel. The officer stops the vehicle and collects the fine. The camera can also tuned to read specific numbers plates that are assigned to a particular to two-wheelers or four-wheelers.

Furthermore, traffic cops has bought 2028 body-worn cameras, 250 ANPR cameras and 80 red light violation detection (RLVD) cameras to detect cars that are violating traffic light rules.

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